The #1 Inverted Yoga Asana Which Even a Newbie Can Master

An Asana in Hatha yoga which gives most of the benefits of inverted yoga Postures

Raj Shekhar Bidika
4 min readDec 13, 2020
Photo by Julie Ricard on Unsplash

Yoga is considered as some kind of stretching and bending exercise to those who are not from the Indian subcontinent. But in India, Yoga is seen as a Spiritual process rather than physical activity. Of course, yoga provides huge benefits to the physical aspects of our health but it also has a great impact on our spiritual and mental health.

There are various kinds of asanas in yoga that are meant to target various health ailments of the human body. However, Inverted yoga postures give awesome results as compared to the standing and sitting yoga postures.

Viparita Karani or legs up the wall pose is an inverted yoga posture in hatha yoga. Now, what makes the posture so easy to learn and master is its simplicity. As a beginner, you can practice the asana by raising your legs and staying in the pose for a while with the support of a wall. As you become consistent in practicing the posture, you can then move towards the advanced version where you raise your legs and hips by supporting them with both of your hands.

Viparita Karani has many benefits because of its inverted posture. When your body is inverted, the blood supply is increased in your upper body organs starting from kidneys, liver, stomach, heart, etc which is not achievable from any other physical activity or exercise. An increase of blood supply to these organs eventually calms down the nerves. Physical activity like running and walking may be good for the heart and helps in blood circulation to some extent, but inverted yoga posture like Viparita Karini ensures the blood flow to every organ below the diaphragm. Blood supply scarcity in these organs results in most stomach disorders.

I have achieved the benefits of this posture within a week of doing the asana. Below I have shared some of the benefits of this inverted posture which can be attained by consistent practice.

Benefits of Viparita Karani

Cures Digestive problems: Increase of blood supply ensures that every organ below the diaphragm functions properly. With a good liver, kidneys, and stomach there cannot be any digestive issues in your body.

Restores tired feet and legs: Since your legs are raised with the support of a wall, blood starts to flow downwards and your legs feel relaxed. It’s better to do this asana at the end of your exercise routine as a resting form of activity.

Calms Anxiety: People often suffer depression due to anxiousness. This asana helps blood flow towards the thyroid and to the brain reducing anxiety and providing calmness to the chattering mind.

Relieves Swollen ankles: When your legs are raised with the support of a wall, you will feel numbness in your legs and that is normal. Since the blood starts flowing downwards, there will be a significant reduction in gouts and swollen ankles.

Helps in sexual problems: Inverted yoga postures are the only physical activity that helps a lot in curing sexually related diseases. After mastering Viparita Karani, you could try Sarvangasana and Sirshasana for achieving maximum benefits.

Relieves Back pain: People suffering from back pain should practice this asana daily followed by Sethubandh asana. Sethubandh asana does miracles for back pain issues. Ensure your back is straight while doing viparita Karani.

Helps in Insomnia: My sleep quality improved a lot just after practicing Viparita Karani for 2 days. The regulation of blood flow towards the brain is increased while doing this asana and the good hormones are activated which helps in a sound sleep.

Helps in constipation: If you are suffering from constipation in the morning, Do Viparita Karani or any other inverted yoga postures and you will immediately feel an urge to empty your bowels.


· Do a warm-up exercise or Surya Namaskar before doing Viparita Karani

· This asana should be done on empty stomach, preferably in the early morning hours.

· Ladies should not practice this asana during periods or menstruation

· As a beginner, practice this asana with the support of a wall

· Do not stand or sit immediately after doing this asana. Practice Shavasana or relax posture for 10 minutes after doing Viparita Karani, so that blood circulation could return to its normal condition.

· You could bath or have breakfast after 15 minutes of doing this asana


I experienced a significant improvement in my health when I started practicing this asana. Then I understood the importance and effect of inverted yoga postures on the human body. I also experienced improvements both in the spiritual and mental aspects of my life. Now Viparita Karani has become a part of my daily life. I also taught this asana to my parents and they were glad that they knew and experienced the benefits of this posture because there was no other inverted posture that is as simple as Viparita Karani.

Yoga is an attachment to yourself in this detaching world.

